Yeah. Maybe not so temporary an insanity. I present to you (druuuuuum rooooolll) my future. It can only get worse from here.
You know how I said that I wasn’t going to show you the rest of me when I showed you the hair doo-dad and the glass pumpkin necklace? Well, I’m going to show you the rest of me anyway. I’m sure I will write about the psych behind this in the next couple of days, but for now – for your enjoyment, in the absence of actual court jesters—unretouched, straight out of the camera, bold, shameless, and in full flaming technicolor:
This is what I showed you. I shoulda stopped there.
This is the beginning of a sequence, or else some kind of attack. It’s actually me, hating it that Chaz is taking my picture— even though this is one of my favorite sweaters—and breaking into a demonstration of how I would do stem Christys if I actually knew how (in which case I would probably NOT do them this way).
You have to imagine the poles, right?
But isn’t the old lady having fun?
Okay. Off the slopes. This one was dedicated to rachel, who, when she does this, can actually pull it off without damaging anybody’s vision. I do seem to have cheekbones. My hair, at this point in the year, has given up the lie I put on it in late last fall, and is telling the truth, which is very limp, fine (strange alternative word for limp) and sad. I no longer have eyebrows or eye lashes, but somehow, the genetically passed along dark circles will never fade. Yeah. Next life? Maybe.
Yeah. Stop taking those, okay? Who knows what I might be standing in with all these puppies around.
Ah. Galvanizing thought.
This is what I look like when I look at a child who is defying me and making me laugh at the same time.
No, really—STOP!!!!
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