May I tell you that when I went out to the barn this morning it was 16 degrees? I was working in the stalls, putting things to rights when I looked down and there, perched on the ground level rung of one of the panels, I found a neat little hawk. She was all packaged up, one eye wide, the other a little narrow, almost oval with her wings all tucked in. And I wondered if she were injured, just sitting there like that as I worked around her.
Our eyes met, and I leaned in closer. “And what are you doing here?” I asked her. It never occurred to me to haul out the phone, struggle with my gloves and take a picture of her. Now I wish I had, she was so lovely, wings striped with browns, neat little head slick and all sky-business. I was only a foot or so away from her.
She didn’t move. She didn’t even seem afraid. She just watched me, eye to eye. I turned to go on about my business, still talking to her, afraid she’d broken her wing and that I wouldn’t know how to deal with it. When I glanced back to see if she was still watching me, she was gone. Just gone. Not even a whisper of wing had I heard, and she’d had to take off from an awkward perch. She was an artist, a dancer, a memory.
The only thing left of her was the hole she left in the air.
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