We have always kept a line between the candy eggs on Saturday and maybe real eggs on Sunday, though why dyed eggs, real or not, should count as appropriate on such a deeply significant holy day, I’m not sure I understand. I will have to ask myself. Later.
Anyway, so you’ve seen the plastic egg celebration. The next morning, the little C&L fam came over in their Easter best so I could take pictures of them.
Ah, yes. Puppies in a box. Cam does not actually smile like this. But it’s interesting how much Scooter’s photo smile looks like Cam’s. Andy is without concern about smiling. I will have to remind my family of this when they accuse ME of having a photo smile.
But they’re awful cute, jah?
Okay. So while I’m still getting dressed upstairs, Cam sneaks into the LL with bags of – are you ready? PLASTIC EGGS. He’d been so delighted with the outside hunt that he wanted to do an inside hunt with fluffy dresses on (not that he was wearing one). So when we came inside – SURPRISE!!! More baskets. And more hunting.
This shot actually reminds me of Christmas morning—Dad getting all set up with the camera (that one shoots HD video) and the kids kept at the starting line, straining to see what delights might be hidden in That Room. Andy hasn’t caught on yet. But Scooter obviously has.
The light is dim in there, and I apologize for not knowing how to run my camera. But blur means action, right?
Andy started off with easy dignity. Lovely yellow dress. But she DID catch on, and though the dignity was preserved, she stepped up her speed.
Very busy.
Then Aunt Laura and Uncle Murphy showed up. Pink satin to add to the yellow.
Cute, too.
It just makes me laugh that Cam experiences his family’s memorable moments through a lens, just the way I spent a quarter of a century doing.
I do not have pictures of us sitting reverently and gratefully at church.
But we did. I promise.
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