Okay – this is my farewell to winter. I shot this sequence just a few weeks ago, really. A few days later, the horses started to shed. Now, they are molting and the air at the barn is full of flying horse hair instead of sparkling crystal. There is a price for everything.
There is absolutely no philosophy in what follows – only a day when I tried to capture what you try to capture with your little children who keep changing, except with dogs.
You see how gray-and-white-locked we were for months and months. Here is how Toby beats it: (this is actually a slow movie, sort of)
Here he comes –
And back again.
Then – here he comes –
At this point, you see the man who is egging him on –
A leap off the deck
A little back talk –
then – screeeeetchhhhhhhh – the brakes go on, because –
his brother wants to come out and play, too.
I wonder if there’s ANYTHING I actually throw myself into this way?
And if I did, would I ever get my breath back?
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