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Category Archives: Horses
~o:> Winding down
There are just times when (you: finally sitting on the couch after many days, house now quiet) your eyelids just keep drifting down, all by themselves. And there are also times you jump up to dance around the house, rejoicing … Continue reading
Posted in friends, Fun Stuff, Horses, Images of our herd in specific, Knit Stuff, Making Things, Pics of Made Things, Seasons, Visits
Tagged Autumn, bats, Emma, Horses, knitting, Lindy, Visits
~o:> Autumn Continued
Picking up where we left off: Here we were, at the top of the ridge, looking down on this incredible grass valley. And we’re slowly lurching down this steep path. Now, pretend you’re me. You’re not me. But you could … Continue reading
:: Flaming Autumn ::
I am certain this will be part one. I took over 200 shots when we went up the mountain on Saturday – took the big camera in the gigantic camera case, slung across my back (and dangling at my side, … Continue reading
Posted in Fun Stuff, Horses, Images, Images of our herd in specific, Journeys, Seasons, The outside world
Tagged Autumn, Dustin, G, Horses, mountains, Zion
:: Up the mountain ::
This header, I just wanted to explain, is just another one of my poor efforts to capture the river light. You can see that the yard is dark – that dark, velvet green of late summer. But the last light … Continue reading
Posted in Fun Stuff, Horses, Images of our herd in specific, Journeys, Just life, Seasons, The outside world
Tagged Autumn, Guy, mountain, Murphy, riding, Zion
~o:> oh, camping, oh
I think of myself as growing up in a Big Camping Family. I have slept on the ground with only an ancient sleeping bag between me and the rocks, on bouncy cots that turn over if you’re not careful, on … Continue reading
Posted in A little history, Family, Horses, Journeys, Memories and Ruminations, Rachel
Tagged camping
~o:> A Hopeful Dog
First of all, may I tell you that I rode two horses today? Chaz’ buddy, Chels, visiting from Out East didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to ride, so ride we did, all the afternoon away. Chels and Chaz … Continue reading
Posted in friends, Fun Stuff, Horses, Knit Stuff, Making Things, Pics of Made Things, The kids
Tagged Chaz, Chels, Dog, Horses, knitting, storms
~o:> After Word
If you’re getting sick of me writing about our endless mishaps, then you’re in good dang company. This is a ripped off letter I sent to Rachel today, and I’m using it as a blog because my brain has run … Continue reading
And after that, a tail~:>
And a BIRD. Or a FISH!—> <“K It looked better in the headline, though, darn it – I still think it looks like a pert little bird. Here is the progress on the horse pattern I’m working on. I started … Continue reading
May 3 week: pt. 4
Loses some of its punch when I spread one incredibly dense and intense week over a months’ telling. Short-line real-time muses: A. Today was the first time I’ve been outside since October that it made me happy to be there. … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Fun Stuff, Horses, Just life, The kids, The outside world
Tagged Chaz, costumes, Horses, renaissance faire