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Category Archives: The kids
~:: Christmas Day ::~
So, Chaz came to stay overnight on Christmas Eve, as she always does. But she did not get up before dawn. Neither did we. The kids were all going to show up at about nine, so the following pictures are … Continue reading
Posted in Christmas, Family, Fun Stuff, Gin, HappyHappyHappy, holidays, Pics of Made Things, Seasons, The g-kids, The kids
Tagged Andy, Cam Lorri, Chaz, Christmas Day, dogs, dress, fish, Guy, joy, Laura, Mother Jean's goblets, Murphy, Scooter
~:: Christmas Fête 2013 ::~
I didn’t shoot a lot of images of anything this year. But I did remember to ask to borrow one of Cam’s photo lights so that I could shoot the Christmas Party ornaments – so you guys could see them … Continue reading
Posted in Christmas, Events, friends, Fun Stuff, holidays, Making Things, The kids
Tagged Christmas party, crafts, friends, ornaments
~:: The Tiniest Family Thanksgiving ::~
Okay. So life gets very complicated when your children grow up and start marrying people, and by default, the other people’s families. Once it was just no big deal, filling up the places at the table. I can remember, both … Continue reading
Posted in A little history, Family, holidays, Seasons, The kids
Tagged dinner, holidays, inlaws, kids, Thanksgiving
~:: Odd Gifts by Hand ::~
For those who choose to live in far-away places (even not so very far-away is far), gifts have to be chosen or made and wrapped and in some way conveyed across space long before the Great Holiday happens. I really … Continue reading
Posted in Felt stuff, holidays, Making Things, Stuffed things, The g-kids, The kids
Tagged Christmas, fish, Gin, Perry, presents
~:: Just stuff ::~
First this. October – obviously, I guess. Sometimes, I’m just moving through the house in the usual way when suddenly something strikes me as strange and wonderful. In this case, it was two things: the juxtaposition of the quiet dark … Continue reading
~:: Nests ::~
Once upon a time, now a very long time ago, we children regularly travelled to Chicago to get our teeth fixed. I think about that now—we were living in New York—how impressive that could have sounded: “Hey, I’d LOVE to … Continue reading
~:: 365 Dollars Short ::~
The last time I really felt like telling a story here – I mean, that feeling that drives you to put things into words – was last year. A year ago. And I didn’t do it. It was on a … Continue reading
Posted in A little history, Epiphanies and Meditations, Events, Family, Fun Stuff, holidays, Rachel, Seasons, The g-kids, The kids, The outside world
Tagged family, june, last year, Lorri, Rachel, racing
~:: Being Connected ::~
I came from a tiny family – three of us kids. But my parents came from tinier ones: two kids in each family. I had one uncle (and his wife) and one aunt (and her husband). Four cousins in one … Continue reading
Posted in Epiphanies and Meditations, Events, Family, friends, The g-kids, The kids, The outside world
Tagged being part of something, death, family, freedom, friends, love
~:: Yes . . . er . . . ::~
Here’s something I saved till Christmas. And then forgot to do. Give you. Give me, thinking I’m giving it to you. Yes. Our Christmas picture. I browbeat the children into all getting together with Cam’s Big Lights and everything. Then. … Continue reading
Posted in Christmas, Events, Family, Fun Stuff, HappyHappyHappy, holidays, Seasons, The g-kids, The kids, Visits
Tagged April Fools, cameras, Christmas card, Easter hunt, Genealogy, spring