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Category Archives: The kids
Oye Oye
(pronounced: Oy-YAY Oy-YAY. meaning: listen up.) An October treat I offer you: Go. Watch the video. If it doesn’t cheer up your scary holiday heart, then write me, and I’ll send you a really stupid picture of myself … Continue reading
Posted in Fun Stuff, The g-kids, The kids
Double-dog 4
I am afraid I am wearing out my welcome here with these puppy pictures. The problem is, we keep visiting them, and they keep being so dang cute, and there you are. I will try not to be so verbose … Continue reading
Posted in dogs, Family, friends, Fun Stuff, Images of our herd in specific, Just life, The kids, The outside world
Tagged G, Jetta, puppies
Double-dog 3
I am a very well behaved neighbor, and I will tell you why I say this. I just ran across the street to see if I could raise Michelle, who I never can raise, unless she is actually outside with … Continue reading
Posted in dogs, friends, Fun Stuff, Images, Just life, Seasons, The g-kids, The kids, The outside world
Tagged pumpkins, puppies, Scooter
Double-dog dare ya ~ pt.1
Because the Old Men are indeed old, and because I have been through dog grief before, I have been thinking of hedging my bets. So we went to visit puppies: Mama dog. Abby. Who gave birth to this Guinea pig. And seven … Continue reading
Posted in dogs, Family, friends, Fun Stuff, Just life, The kids, The outside world
Tagged puppies
You Look Like a Monkey~
Somehow over the years, all these traditions just showed up and took residence in our house. Birthday traditions. Christmas ones. Easter ones. Some came from G’s family, some from mine. Some I made up myself. I don’t know what I … Continue reading
The Great Journey~ Pt.4 and End
THIS is Max. He’s a divin’ fool. He demonstrates his technique. In which figures largely this philosophy: lean until you are committed. Hands out flat – Look down to make sure the water is still there. Then dunk yourself and … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Gin, Images, Journeys, Just life, The g-kids, The kids, The outside world, Visits
Tagged big trip, Gin, Max
The Great Journey~ Pt. 3
And then . . . We took a bus. A happy bus. Transportation. Which put me in mind of . . . horses. I started missing horses. So we went looking for some. We found this one – part of … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Fun Stuff, Gin, Horses, Images, Journeys, Seasons, The g-kids, The kids, The outside world, Visits
Tagged big trip, Gin, Max
The Great Journey~ Pt. 2
Then, after that: We walked this strange and desolate city. And in the frame of mind one might expect to have after such an experience, we stumbled into this weird situation. You would think, what with the warning posted so … Continue reading
The Great Journey~ Pt. 1
I love recording things here and sharing images. But sometimes it’s really, really hard to find enough lag time during the actual living part to allow you to step out and write things up. I’m not even going to try … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Gin, Images, Journeys, The g-kids, The kids, Visits
Tagged Gin, Going places, Max
Why We Discourage Early Dating
You see what I’m talking about? You SEE??? Whose children ARE these? Where are their MOTHERS? More to the point, which one of those mothers is taking this shot? This is the peril. This is the danger. I mean, … Continue reading
Posted in A little history, The kids