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Category Archives: Just life
~o:> Prelude to Two Kisses
Kiss One: Kiss Two: And this is how it all came about: The little family, waiting at the airport. The plane: 35 minutes late. Chaz and L, happy. Happy again. This is a better shot of both, but I loved … Continue reading
~o:>Taking a break
from craziness. Not a long day, but a dirty one. The tractor wouldn’t start, so I puttered around the barn in the heat and the dust while Guy soaked himself in Diesel fuel and put the engine back together. It … Continue reading
Posted in Construction, Just life
Tagged addition, construction, Murphy, shingles, tractor
~o:>Counting Down
note: I’m working on answering comments. Have been up to my neck in storage boxes – Two days. Two days to finish two years and four days’ service. The mother, sitting in her corner of the couch, trying not to … Continue reading
Posted in Epiphanies and Meditations, Events, Family, Fun Stuff, Memories and Ruminations, The kids
Tagged growing up, home, Murphy
~o:> Form. No function.
One skinny mouse. One fat mouse. To be succinct: With this as my template: I made this guy—missing by a mile: But he kinda wanted to look this way. Not my fault. Flaws in design and shaping – my fault. … Continue reading
Posted in Fun Stuff, Knit Stuff, Making Things, Pics of Made Things
Tagged clay, horse, knit, pig
~o:> Day Trippin’: pt.2
The city, as it marches into the hills. Note the two completely different greens up there on the mountain: you can really see where the aspens end and the pine forest begins. Here we are in the city. We really … Continue reading
Posted in Epiphanies and Meditations, Journeys, Making Things, Rachel, The outside world
Tagged fun, money, Park City, Rachel, shops, silver
~o:> Day Trippin’: pt. 1
So Rachel and I and the beautious Ms. K packed up our bags and headed into the mountains for a trip to OZ (home of the Emperor and His New Clothes). Park City started out a mere hundred or so … Continue reading
Posted in IMENHO (Evidently not humble), Journeys, Rachel, The outside world
Tagged breakfast, condo, mountains, Park City, Rachel, shops
Week May 3: pt. 5
Notice: I actually sat down and answered comments. I love the conversations we have, and apologize for having let them lag for so long. —–=0=—– The Saturday formerly known as: My Birthday This is how I spent it: privileged to … Continue reading
May 3 week: pt. 4
Loses some of its punch when I spread one incredibly dense and intense week over a months’ telling. Short-line real-time muses: A. Today was the first time I’ve been outside since October that it made me happy to be there. … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Fun Stuff, Horses, Just life, The kids, The outside world
Tagged Chaz, costumes, Horses, renaissance faire
May 3 week: pt. 3
A new word: hecti. What could it ever mean? (By the way – you know that dust you see in the header? That’s about one third of the dust we ended up with by the following week – and what … Continue reading
Posted in Construction, Fun Stuff, Images, Seasons
Tagged bedroom, construction, Donna, dresser, flowers, Les, paint, stained glass, wood
Now we pause for a word~
In the last month – heck, in the last week—Cam’s house finally came into his possession (which means that Char’s came into hers), our bedroom was finished so we could move back into the rest of the house, and I … Continue reading
Posted in Gin, Images, Just life, Just talk, The g-kids, The kids, The outside world, Visits
Tagged Ginna, Max, Santa Fe