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Category Archives: Seasons
~:: vita interruptus ::~
I figured out how to explain it. You know, that thing that happens when you get home from vacation and walk back into your house, and suddenly, don’t remember who you used to be when you lived there? Or a … Continue reading
~:: Just Wait Ten Minutes ::~
I was a kid in LA, lightyears ago. I had these two forever long blocks to walk every day – a choice of three parallel routes that all ended up at my school. Every word I am writing here calls … Continue reading
~:: It’s MAY! It’s MAY!! ::~
I wanted to write Sunday things. But I can’t settle to anything. Just may I say that while I never want to go to church (get up, dress up, make up, get somewhere on time and sit for hours), once … Continue reading
~:: Now, where was I? ::~
I have come to the conclusion that space and time are not only relative, but also fake. Illusory. At best, ephemeral. This must be so—or else what happened to the last week and a half? No, really, I want to … Continue reading
Posted in Events, Explanations, Felt stuff, Fun Stuff, Images, Knit Stuff, Making Things, Seasons, snow
Tagged birthday, easter eggs, felt, pupster, Scooter, snow
~:: Pictures of Blizzard ::~
Not really. It was over by the time I took these. This was the sky when I went back, less than an hour after I wrote, to let the horses out onto the pasture. When I opened the gate … Continue reading
~:: Magic Eggs and Long Grass ::~
In our home, it is against the law to mow the lawn before Easter Saturday. This is not a religious consideration—quite the opposite: long grass is great for the more temporal aspects of our spring celebration; you can hide eggs … Continue reading
Posted in A little history, Events, Family, Fun Stuff, Gin, Images, Seasons, The g-kids, The kids
Tagged children, Easter, eggs, family, history
~:: FarmFriday: Equine Adventures ::~
Horse notes: 1) Last Saturday, when I opened the barn door – happy and carefree and unsuspecting – I ended up frozen right in the doorway. When you know a place as well as I know that one, you know … Continue reading
Posted in Horses, Images of our herd in specific, Seasons
Tagged fences, G, Horses, Jedda, Pasture
~:: Disjointed Paragraphs ::~
Another note: I am arbitrarily announcing that the challenge will not be over till I announce the winner on Monday. So forget the old deadline. I just keep hoping more courage will surface. 1). April 3: Can anybody please explain … Continue reading
Posted in A little history, Family, Fun Stuff, Gin, Images, Memories and Ruminations, Seasons, The kids, The outside world
Tagged bees, Christmas lights, con trails, Gin, Horses, housecleaning, suburban, wedding
~:: In Good Spirit ::~
Like I say – this last weekend was my favorite. All day, working with my hands, filling my heart with sweet and great things. And these are the things I did: Made for one of the stars of our fam. … Continue reading
Posted in Felt stuff, Fun Stuff, Images, Making Things, Pics of Made Things, Seasons
Tagged egg, felt, horse, star
~:: Trailing along ::~
How does anybody ever have time to do anything? Things may have settled down in theory, but in the real world? No. It’s not that anything important is happening. I’m waiting to see if our house is going to be … Continue reading
Posted in Epiphanies and Meditations, Family, Images, Just life, Seasons, snow
Tagged finding things, snow, stupid