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Category Archives: IMENHO (Evidently not humble)
The Curious Question of Is: pt. 2
So in one of the comments to that woeful empty nest piece I did the other day, a young friend of mine (as long as you haven’t gotten married or had kids, I would consider you young if you were … Continue reading
Posted in Epiphanies and Meditations, IMENHO (Evidently not humble), Just life, Just talk
Tagged to be
That thing? That <:)B thing? It’s supposed to be a turkey. Yeah. I’m really good at this keyboard art biz – . Home, on the couch, nursing a felty throat. In answer to and in solidarity with a few other … Continue reading
Posted in Epiphanies and Meditations, holidays, IMENHO (Evidently not humble), Just talk
Tagged Christmas, meaning, Thanksgiving
~o:> Having a Hay Day 2010
Okay, I have so dang much to write about. And I’m behind reading everybody else. Why? I don’t know why. Stuff keeps happening. So – write or read? Write or read??? Okay – both. But me first. By the way, … Continue reading
Posted in Epiphanies and Meditations, Events, friends, Images, IMENHO (Evidently not humble), Just life, Rachel
Tagged farming, friends, hay, humanity, Rachel, rain
~o:> Day Trippin’: pt. 1
So Rachel and I and the beautious Ms. K packed up our bags and headed into the mountains for a trip to OZ (home of the Emperor and His New Clothes). Park City started out a mere hundred or so … Continue reading
Posted in IMENHO (Evidently not humble), Journeys, Rachel, The outside world
Tagged breakfast, condo, mountains, Park City, Rachel, shops
At least Orm tried-
I remember a spelling test. It was third grade I think. And we used that heavy, yellowish, horizontal lined paper with all the helpful dotted bits to keep your letters straight. The teacher read out each word v-e-r-y clearly, with … Continue reading
Posted in Epiphanies and Meditations, Explanations, IMENHO (Evidently not humble), Just talk, mad, The outside world
Tagged English, Picts, spelling
~Just for the heck of it
Home from church now. Thinking a lot about the Sunday School lesson I gave last week. And here to bring you yet another shocking article about how oddly LDS people see the universe. Three words we don’t use a whole … Continue reading
Posted in Epiphanies and Meditations, Explanations, IMENHO (Evidently not humble), Just talk
Tagged damnation, hell, the universe
May I say how excited I am with the results of the election in Massachusetts yesterday? Sort of. Happiness: I find it terribly disturbing when any one group in a government that is supposed to be answerable to the people … Continue reading
Opining about opinion
Karl Marx once opined that religion was the opiate of the masses. Chaz proposes another view: that politics is the true opiate, giving the masses such a nice big bone to worry, they’re too busy with it to look up … Continue reading
I do not write much about politics. Framing my views about things over which I have no more than maybe the tiniest shred of a voice – if that – is too hard, too distressing. I’d have made saltpeter in … Continue reading