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Tag Archives: family
~:: Words Fail Me ::~
Okay, I’m going to talk about writing here for a minute, because I’m supposed to be writing a novel. Right now. As we speak. Because G is gone south with the boys to ride bikes in the red rock (not … Continue reading
Posted in A little history, Epiphanies and Meditations, Making Things
Tagged buttons, family, felt, growing up, religion, writing
~:: Perpetual Motion ::~
Once again, M is gone. This time for 5 months. But at least, in the states. We took him to the airport this morning—G, Laura and I—through fog, over ice. Got there in good time. And after he had gone … Continue reading
Posted in Epiphanies and Meditations, Family, Journeys, The g-kids, The kids
Tagged family, lights, Murphy, partings
~:: Christmas Morning 2010 ::~
Christmas Eve at my brother’s beautiful house. For decades, we were alone up here, all of both our families states and states away. But then G’s sister and brother moved here, and my brother. Suddenly – family! My brother explained … Continue reading
~;;~ game day and stormy weather: pt 1 ~;;~
I have spent weeks now with the camera glued to my face. But the storms have come in, and autumn leaves do not weather weather, so soon enough I’ll stop. Will you hate it if I keep posting what I’ve … Continue reading
Posted in A little history, Epiphanies and Meditations, Family, Images, Just life, Just talk, Seasons
Tagged Autumn, baseball, family
~o:> Another Day at the Market
Or: My Side of Rachel and the African Kikoy In the continuing saga of our fascination with the Farmer’s Market, summer finally came to the valley, and we sallied forth to sample the local offerings. Rachel went with us, and … Continue reading
Posted in friends, Fun Stuff, Just life, Rachel, The kids, The outside world
Tagged Africa, Chaz, family, farmer's market, Guitar, kids, otter pops, Rachel, summer
=: Red, White and Blue :=
Once upon a time, I wrote this post which will tell you much more about me and the 4th of July than you will ever want to know. And I posted pictures of that celebration, much smaller than our wont. … Continue reading
Posted in A little history, Family, friends, Fun Stuff, Memories and Ruminations, The kids
Tagged 4th of July, balloons, Chelsea, family, flags, Horses, parade
~o:> Of Best Laid Plans
Yeah. I have to tell this tale, if only because it so parenthood. Murphy, as I expected, joyfully walked right back into his life. YAY. And as I expected, was back in the animation lab less than twenty four hours … Continue reading
~o:> Prelude to Two Kisses
Kiss One: Kiss Two: And this is how it all came about: The little family, waiting at the airport. The plane: 35 minutes late. Chaz and L, happy. Happy again. This is a better shot of both, but I loved … Continue reading
The Yule Shindig: pt. 2
Part Two: the party. As I have explained, probably once a year for the last almost twenty years I’ve been tell you these tales, this is a very old party. The same people have been coming to it since the … Continue reading
July: not just fireworks
It’s not easy to write about life at the same time you are living it. What did Wordsworth say? Poetry is strong emotion as recollected in tranquility? Yeah. Tranquility. A poet who was obviously not a mother. Because I … Continue reading
Posted in Epiphanies and Meditations, Family, Images, Just life, Texas, The g-kids, The kids, Visits
Tagged Dad, family, Gin, grandkids, Keven