A bit of a braid

First of all – is anybody else having problems with the header not popping in, or with comments disappearing?

Second:  I believe that I may have lost about an inch or so on my waist, just high stepping it over the baby gates we’ve had blocking the kitchen and the den and the stairs and the library.  I am thinking of leaving the gates up indefinitely.  Disadvantage: I was reading something the other day, on my way into the den, and completely crashed, ended up splayed all over the floor with the gate between me and the carpet, hand all scraped up, pride deeply dented.  “What happened?” somebody yelled from the other room. “Nothing,” I said.

Third: we had our one, single grand party of the year last night, and it was wonderful.  But it will take longer to show you the spoils than I have right now (gotta watch Battlestar).  So we all have that to look forward to.  Or not.

Fourth: I was on my way out to the barn early last week, just after a pretty good little snow.  Clambered over the gate, dropping – big boots first – into the perfect snow on the long driveway, and sadly started making prints in it, quietly as possible, off to the side.  But I was captivated by somebody else who had left prints.  I had to go home and get the camera so I could show you.  Note: I have left a lot of the blue in these shots, because the snow kinda is blue, you know.  In a white sort of way.

The diamonds actually show in the big photo.  And evidently, I had already broken my path a couple of times, here.  Oh – yeah, went home for the camera.


And this is what I saw. Like somebody had dropped an ancient  sea creature into the snow from several feet up.


Or maybe an alien.


This is so beautiful.  The quail lands cleanly in the snow, stumbles, catches herself and bustles toward the fence – where she launches herself into the air (don’t you wish you could?), the tips of her wings raking the feathery snow.


The rest of the driveway, and a peek at the back of the forlorn, garageless tractor.

Fifth: Gin, who crochets— not to be confused with Rachel or Julie, who knit— sent me a none to subtle hint the other day about wanting THIS:  part of Alan Dart’s Christmas advent project.


He’s tiny, and I was afraid I couldn’t do it, and I couldn’t get around to it for ages, but I bought the fabulous pattern and did him, then had to fight the maternal tendency not to let go, and now he’s in the hands of my beloved girl.



I made up the lumpy tail.

So there.  That’s five things.  Tomorrow, after the SS school lesson is done, maybe I’ll do the shindig.

Oh, and Monday, there will be another give-away.  I think, a kind of cool one.

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