~:: and the winner is ::~

just a note: I have responded to the challenge pieces in the comments of yesterday’s blog – if anybody is interested.  Which you certainly don’t have to be.

I am sitting at my desk, listening to fourteen string players on the other side of the wall playing at The Brandenburg Concerto as though their lives depend on it.  The wall is just generous enough to let me hear mighty things like this – or intense drum kits in the main room.  It’s interesting to share space with such sounds.  And how I love Bach.  Bach and Handel and Monteverdi – Beethoven is the far shore of my musical passion.  After that, you have to leap to folk music and ethnic stuff and Motown to get to me.

I have only won two drawings in my life: a pair of shoe roller skates when I was ten – at a huge movie matinée.  (“She’s gliding down the isle as though she had those skates on right now!!)  And one blog giveaway, a lovely handmade booklet.  I almost regret the skates, as it seems I pretty much shot my wad of fate right there.

So I know what it means to hope, and then to lose.  And if I could, I’d make a prize for each other beautiful pieces that were sent to the challenge.  But I gotta make a puppy for a grandkid, and time moves on.  The cookie has finally crumbled: there is a winner.  Picked by Chaz, using her own impartial (if bizarre) technique: (straight out of camera – action shots)






As soon as I get back from buying the dog food and returning the Magic Bullet that ceased to work after one single week, I am going to comment on the reading I did yesterday.  You dug deep for these, and I am honored to have been able to read them.  Thank you so much for doing it.  I knew you were brave.

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