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Author Archives: K
~:: The Explorer Bike Club ::~
The last of it. The catch-all. The round up. How many times can you say, “That baby is SO adorable!” before you start feeling – I dunno – used. Worse – repetitive. This is the problem with people who have … Continue reading
~:: More Educational Moments ::~
This is probably just the rest of the actual lessons learned. Maybe. Lesson One: how to fix a gate, primarily to make it rattlesnake proof (my take on it) but also to make it functional (Gin’s take on it) so … Continue reading
~:: Designing Interlude ::~
I’m interrupting myself again. And it strikes me that I haven’t written anything in actual words for ages. Maybe I’m scared words won’t be as engaging as photo essays might be. Or maybe I’m too tired to string more than … Continue reading
~:: Lessons We Learned in St. Fe 2 ::~
In the land of the Riders of the Purple Sage when you live with Big Brothers who have adventures, but you are small – very, very small – a lot of your life is just – sitting around. Oh, you … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Gin, HappyHappyHappy, Journeys, The g-kids, The kids, Visits
Tagged Ginna, Max, Sandy, Santa Fe
~:: Lessons We Learned in St. Fe 1 ::~
First, I sneak in a few shots – the yard as seen through the windows. Sunset on the first day. Light tipped leaves. Brick patio. I love seeing this door at the end of the hall. No fabulous sunsets this … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Gin, HappyHappyHappy, Journeys, The g-kids, The kids, Visits
Tagged binki, Gin, Sandy, Santa Fe, windows
~:: Rewind again: Not our Wedding ::~
I will have you know that I am a precursor – a harbinger of our new, cool global modern social order. I remember very clearly: when I was an adolescent and I realized that my mother had a driver’s license … Continue reading
Posted in Events, Family, friends, HappyHappyHappy, The kids
Tagged back yard, Christina and Andy, dancing, Murphy, reception, wind
The Odd Charm of Cataclysm
In 1982 (or was it ’83?), the river swelled between its banks, force fed by gorged mountain streams after a wet winter and a too-warm-too-fast spring. We lived in quiet terror, waking in the middle of the night when the … Continue reading
~:: How I felt about the wedding ::~
I bring things on myself. But you want to add a little personal spice to a significant family event, jah? A little tangible love – hidden in the details? So I’ll show you what I did for the wedding luncheon … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Felt stuff, Fun Stuff, Knit Stuff, Making Things, The kids
Tagged felt hearts, knit horse, knit lion, weddings
~:: Rewind: Mouse-end ::~
The promised end of the mouse tale: After much doing of this – and this and this, we found a great, smooth round stone made into a fountain. It sat inside some sort of collar, and water was constantly running … Continue reading
Posted in A little history, Events, Family, Fun Stuff, HappyHappyHappy, holidays, Journeys, Light, Memories and Ruminations, The g-kids, The kids, The outside world, Visits
Tagged Andy, Cam, Chaz, Disney, fireworks, forced perspective, G, Lorri, Scooter
~:: The Wedding ::~
My mother, who was a wonderful woman and (perhaps I should say, “thus”) different than I am in many ways, faithfully wrote small accounts of the family’s activities to her mother in law every week. One day, my grandmother wrote back to … Continue reading
Posted in A little history, Events, Family, friends, HappyHappyHappy, The kids, Uncategorized
Tagged Laura, Murphy, temple, wedding